How did the diffusion of Phoenician culture through trade affect the Mediterranean region? (1 point) Responses It gave the region a common religious faith. It gave the region a common religious faith. It gave the region a common spoken language. It gave the region a common spoken language. It gave the region a common form of government. It gave the region a common form of government. It gave the region a common written alphabet.

It gave the region a common written alphabet.

The diffusion of Phoenician culture through trade affected the Mediterranean region by giving the region a common written alphabet.

The diffusion of Phoenician culture through trade had a significant impact on the Mediterranean region. One of the key ways it influenced the region was by introducing a common written alphabet. The Phoenicians developed an alphabet consisting of 22 phonetic characters, which they used to write various languages, including their own. This alphabet was then adopted by other peoples in the Mediterranean, such as the Greeks and Romans, who modified it to suit their own languages. This adoption of a common written alphabet allowed for easier communication and the spread of ideas and knowledge across different regions. It also played a crucial role in the development of writing systems and literacy, which further enhanced cultural exchanges and economic activities in the Mediterranean. Therefore, the diffusion of Phoenician culture through trade gave the region a common written alphabet, not a common religious faith, spoken language, or form of government.