What was the effect of the development of the knowledge of navigation?(1 point)ResponsesThe knowledge of navigation allowed people to travel longer distances. This allowed people to travel without talking or meeting others.The knowledge of navigation allowed people to travel longer distances. This allowed people to travel without talking or meeting others.The development of the knowledge of navigation had no effect. People had always traveled.The development of the knowledge of navigation had no effect. People had always traveled.The knowledge of navigation allowed people to travel longer distances. This allowed for more trading and a greater exchange of knowledge.The knowledge of navigation allowed people to travel longer distances. This allowed for more trading and a greater exchange of knowledge.The knowledge of navigation made binding and printing books easier. This allowed more people to learn to read.The knowledge of navigation made binding and printing books easier. This allowed more people to learn to read.

The correct response is: The knowledge of navigation allowed people to travel longer distances. This allowed for more trading and a greater exchange of knowledge.

The knowledge of navigation allowed people to travel longer distances. This allowed for more trading and a greater exchange of knowledge.

The correct answer is: The knowledge of navigation allowed people to travel longer distances. This allowed for more trading and a greater exchange of knowledge.

To arrive at this answer, we can look at the effects of the development of navigation. With the advancement of navigation techniques and instruments such as the compass, astrolabe, and improved ship designs, people were able to navigate more accurately and confidently across long distances. This increase in navigational knowledge allowed for exploration and trade to expand, leading to the establishment of new trade routes and the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultures between different regions. Consequently, this stimulated economic growth, cultural diffusion, and the spread of knowledge and advancements in various fields.