In what way is ordering the key people and events helpful for understanding the growth of the Islamic Empire?(1 point)ResponsesOrdering the key people and events allows historians to understand which singular event led to the creation of the Islamic Empire.Ordering the key people and events allows historians to understand which singular event led to the creation of the Islamic Empire.Ordering the key people and events allows historians to understand exactly who created the Islamic Empire.Ordering the key people and events allows historians to understand exactly who created the Islamic Empire.Ordering the key people and events allows historians to understand the impact of the origins upon the development of the Islamic Empire.Ordering the key people and events allows historians to understand the impact of the origins upon the development of the Islamic Empire.Ordering the key people and events allows historians to understand the teachings of the Koran that developed the Islamic Empire.

Ordering the key people and events allows historians to understand the impact of the origins upon the development of the Islamic Empire.

Ordering the key people and events allows historians to understand the impact of the origins upon the development of the Islamic Empire.

Ordering the key people and events is helpful for understanding the growth of the Islamic Empire because it allows historians to make connections and identify patterns in the sequence of events and the individuals involved. By ordering the key people and events chronologically, historians can trace the development and expansion of the empire over time, understand the factors that led to its creation, and analyze the impact of these key figures and events on its growth.

For example, by organizing the key people and events in chronological order, historians can identify the early Arab conquests that laid the foundation for the Islamic Empire under the leadership of individuals like Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam, and the Rashidun Caliphs. They can then examine how these conquests expanded the empire geographically and politically.

Furthermore, ordering the key people and events allows historians to understand the impact of the origins upon the development of the Islamic Empire. By studying the teachings of the Quran, the holy book of Islam, historians can analyze how the religious beliefs and principles shaped the values, governance, and laws of the empire. This understanding helps historians comprehend the motivations and ideologies that influenced the growth and trajectory of the Islamic Empire.

Overall, ordering the key people and events is crucial for historians as it helps them discern the causal relationships, understand the broader context, and analyze the significant factors that contributed to the growth of the Islamic Empire.