What was the main reason Spain built missions along Georgia's Barrier Islands?

(1 point)
O For launching attacks
O To spread Christianity
O For defensive purposes
O To trade with Native Americans

The main reason Spain built missions along Georgia's Barrier Islands was to spread Christianity.

The main reason Spain built missions along Georgia's Barrier Islands was to spread Christianity.

The main reason Spain built missions along Georgia's Barrier Islands was to spread Christianity. To arrive at this answer, we can eliminate the other options and focus on historical context.

Option 1, "For launching attacks," can be ruled out because the Spanish missions were not built as military bases to launch attacks. This is evident from the fact that the missions were primarily established in order to convert the Native American population to Christianity.

Option 3, "For defensive purposes," does not align with the purpose of the Spanish missions in Georgia. Defensive purposes generally involve fortifications or military installations, whereas the Spanish missions were religious and cultural centers aimed at converting the indigenous people.

Option 4, "To trade with Native Americans," may seem plausible at first, but it is not the primary reason behind the construction of Spanish missions. While trade might have occurred between the Spanish and the Native Americans, it was not the central focus or primary motive behind the establishment of these missions.

Therefore, the correct answer is option 2, "To spread Christianity." The Spanish built these missions in order to convert the Native Americans to Christianity, as part of their efforts to expand their influence and convert indigenous populations during the colonization period.