Ahmed and Jamar own a successful catering company. Ahmed wants to stay a sole-proprietorship as they expand, but Jamar wants to incorporate. Examine the pros and cons of each option. 

1. In a sole-proprietorship, Ahmed and Jamar are in charge of everything, but they are also liable for everything and can only grow as much as their collective capital allows. As a corporation, the company's assets are separated from Ahmed and Jamar's personal assets. This means that there is less liability, and they have the option of offering stock options as a way to grow their business. 
2. In a corporation, Ahmed and Jamar are in charge of everything, but they are also liable for everything and can only grow as much as their collective capital allows. In a sole-proprietorship, the company's assets are separated from Ahmed and Jamar's personal assets. This means that there is less liability, and they have the option of offering stock options as a way to grow their business. 
3. In a sole-proprietorship, Ahmed and Jamar are in charge of everything, but they are also liable for everything and can only grow as much as their collective capital allows.
4. As a corporation, the company's assets are separated from Ahmed and Jamar's personal assets. This means that there is less liability, and they have the option of offering stock options as a way to grow their business. 

1. The first option correctly highlights the pros and cons of each option. In a sole-proprietorship, Ahmed and Jamar have full control over their business but also carry all the liability. Their growth is limited to their available capital. However, as a corporation, they can separate their personal assets from the company's assets, reducing their liability. They also have the option to offer stock options, which can attract investors and accelerate business growth.

2. This option repeats the information mentioned in the first option but presents it in a confusing manner. The statement about a sole-proprietorship's assets being separated from personal assets is incorrect. It is a feature of a corporation, not a sole-proprietorship.

3. This option correctly states the disadvantages of a sole-proprietorship, with full control but also full liability and limited growth potential.

4. This option repeats the information mentioned in the first option in a concise and accurate manner. It accurately presents the advantages of incorporating, including the separation of assets and offering stock options for growth.

The correct option is:

4. As a corporation, the company's assets are separated from Ahmed and Jamar's personal assets. This means that there is less liability, and they have the option of offering stock options as a way to grow their business.

In a sole-proprietorship, Ahmed and Jamar would be in charge of everything. However, they would also be personally liable for the business's debts and obligations. Additionally, the growth potential of the business would be limited by the amount of capital Ahmed and Jamar can contribute.

On the other hand, incorporating the business would create a separate legal entity. As a corporation, Ahmed and Jamar's personal assets would be protected, and their liability would be limited to the amount they have invested in the company. This means that if the business were to face financial difficulties or legal issues, their personal assets would not be at risk.

Furthermore, incorporating allows for greater growth opportunities. As a corporation, Ahmed and Jamar can issue stock options, attracting investors and raising capital for expansion. This option provides a way to leverage outside resources and expertise to grow and develop the business.

However, it is important to note that incorporating also comes with additional requirements, such as filing annual reports and maintaining corporate governance. These requirements can involve additional costs and administrative burdens. Additionally, the decision to incorporate should be carefully considered based on the specific circumstances and goals of Ahmed and Jamar's business.

The correct option is:

4. As a corporation, the company's assets are separated from Ahmed and Jamar's personal assets. This means that there is less liability, and they have the option of offering stock options as a way to grow their business.

When examining the pros and cons of each option, it is important to consider the implications for liability and growth potential.

In a sole-proprietorship (option 1 and 3), Ahmed and Jamar would have full control over their catering company. They would be personally liable for all business debts and obligations, which means their personal assets could be at risk if the company were to face lawsuits or bankruptcy. This is a significant drawback to this option.

Additionally, as a sole-proprietorship, the company's growth potential is limited to the amount of capital Ahmed and Jamar have access to. They would rely solely on their personal funds for expansion, making it difficult to scale the business at a rapid pace.

On the other hand, by incorporating their business (option 4), Ahmed and Jamar would be able to separate their personal assets from the company's assets. This means that in the event of lawsuits or bankruptcy, their personal assets would be better protected. This limited liability is a significant advantage of incorporation.

Moreover, as a corporation, Ahmed and Jamar would have the option to offer stock options. This allows them to raise capital by selling shares in the company to investors. This can provide a significant source of funding for expansion and growth, beyond what Ahmed and Jamar may personally have access to. This enhanced ability to raise capital is another advantage of incorporating.

In summary, although both options provide control over the business, incorporating as a corporation offers the benefits of limited liability and the potential for greater growth through stock options.