Given f(x)=4^x+5

, evaluate the function for f(2)





To evaluate the function f(2), we substitute 2 for x in the given expression:

f(2) = 4^2 + 5
f(2) = 16 + 5
f(2) = 21

Therefore, f(2) = 21.

To evaluate the function f(x)=4^x+5 for f(2), we substitute the value x=2 into the function:

f(2) = 4^2 + 5

Simplifying the expression, we get:

f(2) = 16 + 5

Therefore, f(2) = 21.

So, the correct response is:

f(2) = 21.

To evaluate the function f(x) = 4^x + 5 for f(2), you need to substitute the value x=2 into the function and solve for f(2).

Step 1: Start with the given function: f(x) = 4^x + 5.
Step 2: Substitute x=2 into the function: f(2) = 4^2 + 5.
Step 3: Simplify the expression: f(2) = 16 + 5.
Step 4: Perform the addition: f(2) = 21.

Therefore, the correct answer is f(2) = 21.