3 of 33 of 3 Items

Choose the vocabulary terms that best complete the sentence below.

“The little girl ­­­­__________ as the irate man shouted ­_____________.”

(1 point)

bawled; imprecations
bawled; imprecations

banshee; pommels
banshee; pommels

feigned; facetious

feigned; facetious

feigned; facetious

battled; swears

To solve this question, we need to choose the vocabulary terms that best complete the sentence. Let's examine the options provided:

Option 1: "bawled; imprecations"
Option 2: "banshee; pommels"
Option 3: "feigned; facetious"

To determine which terms fit best, let's consider the context of the sentence. The sentence states that the little girl was likely experiencing a negative emotion as the irate man shouted. From the options provided, the term that fits best with the behavior of a little girl in this situation is "bawled" (meaning to cry loudly) rather than "banshee" (a female spirit in Irish mythology) or "feigned" (pretended).

For the second blank in the sentence, we need a term that describes the words or expressions used by the irate man. The most appropriate term is "imprecations" (meaning curses or strong expressions of disapproval), as it matches the tone of an irate individual shouting. The term "pommels" does not fit the context and "facetious" does not accurately describe the behavior of an irate man shouting.

Therefore, the correct answer is:
"The little girl bawled as the irate man shouted imprecations."