what is the basic independent unit of world politics






The basic independent unit of world politics is a nation.

The basic independent unit of world politics is the nation.

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the concept of world politics and the units that make up the political landscape. The term "world politics" refers to the interactions, relationships, and dynamics between different countries and other international actors on a global scale.

When considering the units of world politics, we can rule out options like "city" and "province" as they are usually subnational entities within a country. While some cities or provinces may have varying levels of autonomy or influence in international affairs, they are typically not considered independent units in the context of world politics.

On the other hand, an organization can certainly be an important actor on the global stage, but it is not an independent unit of world politics in the same sense as a nation. Organizations, such as international bodies like the United Nations or non-governmental organizations, certainly play a role in shaping world politics, but they depend on the participation and cooperation of nations to achieve their goals.

Therefore, a nation is the basic independent unit of world politics. A nation is a self-governing political entity that possesses sovereignty, defined territory, and a population. It has the capacity to enter into relations and interact with other nations on the global stage, making it the fundamental building block of world politics.