Which report would best be organized in chronological order? (1 poin

O a report about the ways to prevent wildfires

O a report about the benefits of exercise

O a report that reviews two films about the same story

a report that shows how transportation changed over time

The report that shows how transportation changed over time would best be organized in chronological order.

The report that would best be organized in chronological order is "a report that shows how transportation changed over time."

The report that would best be organized in chronological order is the report that shows how transportation changed over time.

To determine this, you need to identify which of the given options involves a topic that has evolved and developed over a span of time. In this case, the topic of transportation provides a clear context that can be discussed in terms of its historical development.

To organize the report in chronological order, you would start by outlining the earliest forms of transportation, such as walking or animal-drawn carts, and then progress through the different modes of transportation as they were invented or improved upon, such as boats, trains, automobiles, and airplanes. By presenting the information in the order in which these transportation methods emerged or became significant, you create a clear and logical progression in your report.

Therefore, the report that best suits a chronological organization is the one that shows how transportation changed over time.