What is one way Central American countries have worked to improve their economies?(1 point)Responses

by reducing the types of goods they
By raising tariffs on imported goods
by participating in free-trade agreements
By imposing embargos on imports from other countries

By participating in free-trade agreements

Hey guys before u submit this was the last question and 2 PEOPLE GOT ME IT WRONG okay so here:

1. manufacturing, ecotourism
2. is a parliamentary democracy.

One way Central American countries have worked to improve their economies is by participating in free-trade agreements.

One way Central American countries have worked to improve their economies is by participating in free-trade agreements. Free-trade agreements are agreements between countries that aim to remove barriers to trade, such as tariffs and quotas, in order to promote the exchange of goods and services. By participating in these agreements, Central American countries can increase their access to foreign markets, attract foreign investment, and promote economic growth. This can be achieved by negotiating and entering into free-trade agreements with other countries or regional blocs.