during the time of President Andrew Jackson, which group in the United States gained suffrage?

a. Woman who owned property.
b. Men who did not own property.
c. White men an African-American men.
d. All men over 18 years old.

c. White men and African-American men.

During the time of President Andrew Jackson, the group in the United States that gained suffrage was:

c. White men and African-American men.

During the time of President Andrew Jackson, the group in the United States that gained suffrage was white men and African-American men.

To arrive at this answer, we can look at the historical context during Jackson's presidency. Andrew Jackson served as the 7th President of the United States from 1829 to 1837. This time period is commonly referred to as the "Jacksonian Era" or the "Age of Jackson."

Prior to Jackson's presidency, voting rights in the United States were often restricted to property-owning white males. However, during Jackson's time in office, there was a significant expansion of suffrage rights for white males. This expansion was known as "universal white manhood suffrage," which meant that all white men could vote regardless of property ownership.

It is important to note that suffrage rights for African-American men were still greatly restricted during this period. Slavery was still legal, and most African-Americans were not granted the right to vote. It wasn't until the passage of the 15th Amendment to the United States Constitution in 1870, well after Jackson's presidency, that African-American men were granted the right to vote.

Therefore, the correct answer is c. White men and African-American men.