The federal government would solely be in charge of which service?

coining money
building sidewalks
establishing court
providing for the welfare of citizens

The federal government would solely be in charge of coining money.

The federal government would solely be in charge of coining money.

To determine which service would be solely under the jurisdiction of the federal government, you need to understand the division of powers between the federal government and state governments in the United States.

The Constitution of the United States grants specific powers to the federal government while reserving all other powers to the states. These powers are outlined in the Constitution's Supremacy Clause (Article VI) and the Tenth Amendment.

Among the services you mentioned, coining money and establishing courts are specifically mentioned as powers of the federal government in the Constitution. The power to build sidewalks falls under transportation infrastructure, which is generally a responsibility of local or state governments. Providing for the welfare of citizens is a broad term that encompasses various services such as healthcare, social safety nets, and assistance programs. Welfare programs tend to involve a combination of federal and state involvement, with states having discretion to administer some programs.

Therefore, based on the division of powers, the service that would solely be in charge of the federal government is "coining money."