Evaluate the expression (14⋅(5+3)(6−2))2. Show all your work.(4 points)

Math Short Answer Rubric (4 points)
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To evaluate the expression (14⋅(5+3)(6−2))2, we need to follow the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS).

First, we'll simplify the expressions within the parentheses.

(5+3) = 8
(6−2) = 4

Now we have 14⋅8⋅4.

Next, we'll multiply 14 by 8 and then multiply the result by 4.

14⋅8 = 112
112⋅4 = 448.

Finally, we have 4482.

To evaluate this, we square the number 448.

4482 = 448 * 448 = 200704.

Therefore, the expression (14⋅(5+3)(6−2))2 evaluates to 200704.

To evaluate the expression (14⋅(5+3)(6−2))², let's follow the order of operations, also known as PEMDAS: parentheses, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction.

Step 1: Simplify the expression inside the parentheses.
(5+3) = 8
(6-2) = 4

The expression now becomes:

Step 2: Perform the multiplication.
14⋅8⋅4 = 448

The expression now becomes:

Step 3: Evaluate the exponent.
448² = 200,704

Therefore, the value of the expression (14⋅(5+3)(6−2))² is 200,704.

To evaluate the expression (14⋅(5+3)(6−2))², we need to follow the order of operations (also known as PEMDAS or BIDMAS):

1. Start by evaluating the expressions inside the parentheses. Inside the first pair of parentheses, we have 5+3, which equals 8. Inside the second pair of parentheses, we have 6-2, which equals 4.

So now we have (14⋅8⋅4)².

2. Next, perform the multiplication operations from left to right. Multiply 14 by 8, and then multiply that result by 4:

14⋅8 = 112
112⋅4 = 448

Now we have (448)².

3. Finally, evaluate the exponent by multiplying 448 by itself:

448⋅448 = 200,704

Therefore, the expression (14⋅(5+3)(6−2))² equals 200,704.

To show all the work, we followed the order of operations step by step, evaluating parentheses first, then performing the multiplication, and finally evaluating the exponent. The final answer is 200,704.