The best way to let someone know that you understand and care about what they are saying is to (1 point) Responses be polite and wait for them to finish talking, then judge them on what they said. be polite and wait for them to finish talking, then judge them on what they said. give the speaker instances of when a similar thing happened to you to distract them from their problem. give the speaker instances of when a similar thing happened to you to distract them from their problem. nod your head, look them in the eye, and show concern for what they are saying. nod your head, look them in the eye, and show concern for what they are saying. stop the speaker from continuing if there is something you need them to repeat or explain.

The correct answer is:

- Nod your head, look them in the eye, and show concern for what they are saying.

The best way to let someone know that you understand and care about what they are saying is to nod your head, look them in the eye, and show concern for what they are saying.

The best way to let someone know that you understand and care about what they are saying is to nod your head, look them in the eye, and show concern for what they are saying. This displays active listening and empathy towards the speaker.

To implement this, you can follow these steps:
1. Be attentive and focus on the speaker. Give them your undivided attention.
2. Maintain eye contact to show that you are engaged and interested in what they are saying.
3. Use non-verbal cues like nodding your head to indicate that you understand and acknowledge their words.
4. Show empathy by mirroring their emotions, such as displaying concern, sympathy, or support through your facial expressions and body language.
5. Avoid interrupting or cutting the speaker off unless necessary. Allow them to express themselves fully.
6. After the speaker has finished, you can respond with supportive statements or ask follow-up questions to demonstrate your understanding and further engage in the conversation.

By implementing these steps, you can effectively communicate your understanding and care for the speaker.