With 60 minutes in an hour and 60 seconds in a minute, what amount of time does 1% of an hour represent?(1 point)


100 seconds
100 seconds

1 minute
1 minute

6 minutes
6 minutes

36 seconds

1% of an hour would represent 0.6 minutes or 36 seconds.

To find out what amount of time 1% of an hour represents, we need to calculate 1% of 60 minutes.

First, we convert 1% into a decimal. Since 1% is equivalent to 0.01, we have:

0.01 x 60 minutes = 0.6 minutes

Therefore, 1% of an hour represents 0.6 minutes.

To determine what amount of time 1% of an hour represents, we need to find 1% of 60 minutes.

First, let's convert 60 minutes to seconds. Since there are 60 seconds in a minute, multiplying 60 minutes by 60 seconds/minute gives us 3600 seconds.

Next, to find 1% of 3600 seconds, we can divide 3600 by 100.

Dividing 3600 by 100 gives us 36 seconds.

Therefore, 1% of an hour represents 36 seconds.