What is the most appropriate structure for handling code that is repeated multiple times in a program?(1 point) Responses queue queue recursion recursion function function stack

The most appropriate structure for handling code that is repeated multiple times in a program is a function.

The most appropriate structure for handling code that is repeated multiple times in a program is a function.

The most appropriate structure for handling repeated code in a program is a function. A function is a block of reusable code that can be called multiple times within a program. By creating a function for the repeated code, you can encapsulate the logic into a single place and avoid duplicating the same code multiple times.

To use a function for handling repeated code, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the code that is repeated multiple times in your program. Look for patterns where the same logic or calculations are performed.

2. Extract the repeated code into a separate function. This involves selecting the lines of code that are repeated and moving them into a new function.

3. Define the function by giving it a meaningful name and specifying the input parameters it requires (if any).

4. Modify the program to call the function whenever the repeated code is needed. Instead of copying and pasting the code, you can simply call the function by using its name.

5. If necessary, pass arguments to the function to provide necessary inputs for the repeated code. This allows the function to be more flexible and adaptable to different scenarios.

By using a function to handle repeated code, you can improve the readability, maintainability, and reusability of your program. Changes or updates to the repeated code can be made in a single place, reducing the chances of introducing bugs or inconsistencies. Additionally, functions promote code modularity and can be easily tested and debugged independently from the rest of the program.