You can set all of the following tabs in your document EXCEPT

First Line


First Line

The correct answer is d. Decimal. You can set all of the following tabs in your document except the Decimal tab.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand what setting tabs means in the context of a document.

Tabs are used to align text at specific positions within a document. When setting tabs, you typically specify the alignment for each tab stop, which can be done in various ways.

Given the options provided:
a) Right: This option means that text is aligned to the right of the tab stop.
b) First Line: This option is used for aligning the first line of a paragraph to a specific position.
c) Center: This option aligns text in the center of the tab stop.
d) Decimal: This option is used for aligning numbers that have a decimal point.

To identify the answer, we need to determine which of the given options cannot be set as a tab alignment.

The correct answer in this case is option a) Right. All the other options (First Line, Center, and Decimal) are valid settings for tab alignment, while the Right option is not. Therefore, the correct response is "You cannot set the Right tab in your document."