Which statement below is NOT true about cybersecurity?

A. Cybersecurity is the protection of computer systems, networks, and data from digital attacks.

B. Recent data breaches have released personal information of hundreds of millions of people.

C. As we rely more on computing devices to store and send data, we increase our vulmerability to cyber attacks.

D. cyber attacks can devastate large organizations, but individuals are largely unaffected.

D. Cyber attacks can devastate large organizations, but individuals are largely unaffected.

D. cyber attacks can devastate large organizations, but individuals are largely unaffected.

This statement is NOT true about cybersecurity. Cyber attacks can have significant impacts on both large organizations and individuals. In fact, individuals are often targeted by various types of cyber attacks, such as phishing attempts or identity theft.

To determine which statement is NOT true about cybersecurity, let's go through each option and analyze them.

A. Cybersecurity is the protection of computer systems, networks, and data from digital attacks.
This statement is true. Cybersecurity is indeed about protecting computer systems, networks, and data from digital attacks.

B. Recent data breaches have released personal information of hundreds of millions of people.
This statement is also true. In recent times, there have been numerous data breaches that have exposed personal information of large numbers of individuals.

C. As we rely more on computing devices to store and send data, we increase our vulnerability to cyber attacks.
This statement is true as well. As our dependence on computing devices grows and we store more sensitive data on them, our vulnerability to cyber attacks also increases.

D. Cyber attacks can devastate large organizations, but individuals are largely unaffected.
The correct answer is D. This statement is NOT true. Cyber attacks can indeed have significant impacts on both large organizations and individuals. Individual users can be affected by various types of cyber attacks, such as identity theft, financial fraud, ransomware, and more.

Therefore, the statement D is the answer to the question as it is not true about cybersecurity.