Choose the answer that best matches the word in italics.

To make sure the groceries would last the entire week, the troop leader gave each camper a daily ration of food.
(1 point)
O meal
• menu
• expense
• portion

• portion

The answer that best matches the word in italics is "portion".

To determine the answer, we need to understand the meaning of the word in italics, which is "daily ration of food." A ration refers to the amount of food that is allocated or given to someone for a specific period of time, typically measured on a daily basis.

Looking at the answer options, the best choice that matches the meaning of "daily ration of food" is "portion." A portion refers to a specific amount or serving of food, which aligns with the idea of giving each camper a specific daily amount of food to last the entire week. Therefore, the correct answer is:

• portion