the percentage of atmospheric carbon dioxide must be low (below 1) for life to exist according to this chart.

Earth's average temperatures is 14 degrees Celsius.
The percentage of atmospheric oxygen does not affect whether a planet will have no life according to this chart.
Venus and Mars cannot support life according to this chart.

Please note that I am an AI language model and cannot view or reference specific charts or data. However, I can provide some general information based on scientific knowledge.

1. Atmospheric CO2 levels: While there is no universal threshold for atmospheric CO2 levels below which life cannot exist, extremely high levels of carbon dioxide can be detrimental. High concentrations of CO2 can lead to increased greenhouse warming, which may disrupt ecosystems and have a negative impact on various forms of life. However, it is not accurate to state that the percentage of atmospheric CO2 must be below 1 for life to exist. Earth's current atmospheric CO2 concentration is around 0.04% (400 parts per million), and life thrives on our planet.

2. Atmospheric oxygen: Oxygen plays a crucial role in supporting complex life on Earth. However, it is incorrect to claim that the percentage of atmospheric oxygen does not affect whether a planet can sustain life. The presence of breathable oxygen in significant amounts is vital for many organisms, including humans. Oxygen levels below a certain threshold can make it challenging for complex aerobic organisms to survive.

3. Venus and Mars: Venus and Mars are often considered uninhabitable due to their inhospitable conditions based on our current understanding. Venus has a dense and toxic atmosphere with a runaway greenhouse effect, resulting in extremely high temperatures and pressures. Mars, on the other hand, has a thin atmosphere, extreme cold temperatures, and lacks sufficient liquid water. However, it is essential to note that the search for life beyond Earth is an active area of research, and our understanding of habitability is continuously evolving.

It is advisable to refer to specific scientific sources, studies, or expert opinions for more accurate and detailed information on these subjects.

Based on the given information, it seems that the percentage of atmospheric carbon dioxide must be low (below 1%) for life to exist according to the chart.

Additionally, the average temperature on Earth is noted to be 14 degrees Celsius. However, it is unclear how this relates to the existence of life.

Moreover, the chart suggests that the percentage of atmospheric oxygen does not have an impact on whether a planet will have life.

Lastly, Venus and Mars are mentioned as planets that cannot support life according to the chart. It is important to note that the reasons for this conclusion are not specified in the information provided.

To understand the statements mentioned, it is important to note that the explanations are based on the given chart. However, since the chart itself is not provided, I won't be able to reference it directly. Nonetheless, I can explain the concepts generally and provide information based on scientific knowledge.

1. The percentage of atmospheric carbon dioxide:
A low percentage of atmospheric carbon dioxide is often considered essential for life as we know it. This is because high levels of carbon dioxide can have detrimental effects on various biological processes. For example, high concentrations of carbon dioxide can lead to changes in the Earth's climate system, which may negatively impact ecosystems and disrupt life-sustaining conditions.

To determine if a planet's atmospheric carbon dioxide level is low or high, you would typically need to look at scientific measurements or estimates provided by space agencies or research institutions. These measurements can be made using methods such as satellite observations, spectroscopy, or in-situ measurements from probes or landers. The specific threshold for what constitutes a "low" percentage of carbon dioxide may vary depending on the specific ecological requirements of life forms, and different sources might have different ranges for what is considered viable for life.

2. Earth's average temperature of 14 degrees Celsius:
The statement suggests that Earth's average temperature is approximately 14 degrees Celsius but doesn't explicitly mention the significance of this value in relation to life. However, it is crucial to understand that the average temperature alone cannot determine whether life can exist on a planet. Life as we know it exists on Earth within a specific temperature range, commonly referred to as the "habitable zone" or "goldilocks zone." This zone allows for the presence of liquid water, which is considered a crucial ingredient for life.

3. Percentage of atmospheric oxygen:
Based on the statement provided, the chart suggests that the percentage of atmospheric oxygen does not affect whether a planet can support life. While oxygen is essential for most complex life forms on Earth, it is not an exclusive requirement for life itself. Other forms of life exist on Earth that do not rely on oxygen, such as certain bacteria or archaea that can survive in extreme environments. Therefore, the statement might imply that life can potentially thrive on planets even if their atmospheric composition lacks a significant amount of oxygen.

4. Venus and Mars not supporting life:
According to the chart mentioned, Venus and Mars cannot support life. However, without access to the specific details of the chart, I cannot provide the reasoning behind this conclusion. In general, Venus is often considered inhospitable for life due to its extreme greenhouse effect, high surface temperature, and atmosphere primarily composed of carbon dioxide. Mars, on the other hand, is a cold and arid planet with a thin atmosphere, making it challenging for life to exist on its surface as we know it.

It's important to note that scientific understanding and research continually evolve. New discoveries and data can contribute to updated assessments of a planet's potential to support life. Therefore, any conclusion based on a chart should be reviewed in the context of current scientific knowledge and research.