Why did Casey let his brother play with his new game?

Casey did not like to take out the trash, but it was his night to do it. Casey gave his brother a big smile and told him he could play with his new game tonight. Casey then asked his brother if he would take out the trash for him.

Question 1 options:

Casey wanted his brother to take out the trash.

Casey wanted to be nice to his brother.

Casey did not like his new game.

Casey wanted to be nice to his brother.

The correct answer is: Casey wanted to be nice to his brother.

The answer to the question "Why did Casey let his brother play with his new game?" is "Casey wanted to be nice to his brother."


Based on the provided information, Casey did not like to take out the trash, but it was his turn to do so. Instead of doing the chore himself, Casey made a deal with his brother. He let his brother play with his new game as a way to be nice to him, and in return, he asked his brother to take out the trash for him. This shows that Casey prioritized his brother's happiness and was willing to make a trade-off in order to avoid the task he didn't enjoy.