Miss lmain Wants to purchase paper and notebook for a classroom. At dollar discount, he can buy packs of paper P for 1.25 each, and notebook, and for 2.50 each. This is a model by 1.25P plus 2.50 and evaluate for P = 10 and n = 30 to find how much it will cost Mr. Lmain to purchase 10 Packs of paper 30 notebooks.

To calculate the cost of purchasing 10 packs of paper and 30 notebooks, we need to use the given model: 1.25P + 2.50

First, let's substitute P = 10 into the equation:
1.25 * 10 + 2.50

12.50 + 2.50


So, the cost of purchasing 10 packs of paper is $15.

Next, let's substitute P = 30 into the equation:
1.25 * 30 + 2.50

37.50 + 2.50


So, the cost of purchasing 30 notebooks is $40.

To find the total cost of purchasing 10 packs of paper and 30 notebooks, we need to add the costs of each separately.

Total cost = Cost of 10 packs of paper + Cost of 30 notebooks
Total cost = $15 + $40
Total cost = $55

Therefore, it will cost Mr. Lmain $55 to purchase 10 packs of paper and 30 notebooks.

To find out how much it will cost Mr. Lmain to purchase 10 packs of paper and 30 notebooks, we can use the given model:

Cost = (1.25 * P) + (2.50 * n)

Where P represents the number of packs of paper and n represents the number of notebooks.

Given P = 10 and n = 30, we can substitute these values into the formula:

Cost = (1.25 * 10) + (2.50 * 30)

Let's calculate it step-by-step:

Step 1: Calculate the cost of packs of paper (1.25 * 10):
Cost of packs of paper = 12.5

Step 2: Calculate the cost of notebooks (2.50 * 30):
Cost of notebooks = 75

Step 3: Add the costs of packs of paper and notebooks:
Cost = 12.5 + 75
Cost = 87.5

Therefore, Mr. Lmain will need to spend $87.50 to purchase 10 packs of paper and 30 notebooks.

To find out how much it will cost Mr. Lmain to purchase 10 packs of paper and 30 notebooks, we need to substitute the given values into the expression 1.25P + 2.50.

Given: P = 10 (packs of paper) and n = 30 (notebooks)

Substituting the values into the expression:
1.25(10) + 2.50(30)

Simplifying the expression:
12.50 + 75

Adding the terms:
12.50 + 75 = 87.50

Therefore, it will cost Mr. Lmain $87.50 to purchase 10 packs of paper and 30 notebooks.