Characters in love in the cornhusk

1. John - A young, handsome farmer who falls in love with

2. Emma - A beautiful, intelligent woman who comes from the city and develops a deep connection with John
3. Mary - John's childhood friend and neighbor, who secretly harbors feelings for him
4. Samuel - John's best friend and fellow farmer, who supports him in his pursuit of love
5. Sarah - Emma's best friend and confidante, who encourages her to follow her heart
6. Mr. Wilson - Emma's strict father, who disapproves of her relationship with John
7. Mrs. Johnson - John's warm-hearted mother, who becomes like a second mother to Emma
8. Sarah's grandfather - An elderly man with a wealth of wisdom and advice, who helps the characters navigate their feelings and choices in love
9. David - A rival farmer who tries to win Emma's affections and create tension between John and Emma
10. The Cornhusk itself - A symbol of resilience, growth, and the natural beauty of the land, which ties all the characters together and represents their love story.

"Love in the Cornhusk" is a short story written by Anzia Yezierska. The story revolves around the lives of Jewish immigrants living in the Lower East Side of New York City in the early 20th century. While there is no specific character named "Love in the Cornhusk," I can provide you with a brief description of some characters in the story:

1. Bessie: The protagonist of the story, a young Jewish immigrant woman who dreams of finding love and escaping the poverty-stricken reality of her life.

2. Mrs. Annabel: Bessie's neighbor, an older woman known for her wisdom and love for matchmaking. She often provides advice to Bessie regarding love and relationships.

3. Sam: A young Jewish man and Bessie's romantic interest. He is initially infatuated with Bessie, but their relationship faces many challenges due to their difficult circumstances.

4. Mamie: Bessie's friend, an outgoing and assertive young woman who encourages Bessie to be more independent and ambitious.

Other characters, such as Bessie's younger brother and sister, fellow immigrants, and people from their community, are also present within the story.

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