what is the term which best describes people outside the Jewish religion. securalist or gentile

The term "gentile" is commonly used to describe people outside the Jewish religion. It is used to refer to individuals who do not practice the Jewish faith or belong to the Jewish community. "Secularist" generally refers to individuals who are not religious or who have a secular worldview, regardless of their specific religious affiliation. Therefore, "gentile" would be the more appropriate term in this context.

The term "gentile" is generally used to describe individuals who are not Jewish. It is derived from the Latin word "gentilis," which means "of or belonging to a people or nation." This term is commonly used in Jewish culture and religion to refer to anyone who is not part of the Jewish faith. On the other hand, "secularist" refers to someone who holds beliefs that are separate from religious or spiritual traditions, so it does not specifically describe people outside the Jewish religion.

The term that best describes people outside the Jewish religion is "gentile." The word gentile comes from the Latin word "gentilis," which means "of or belonging to a nation or people." In the context of Judaism, gentile refers to someone who is not Jewish, whether they are believers of a different religion or have no religious affiliation at all.

To find this answer, you can start by researching the terms commonly used to refer to people who are not of the Jewish faith. A simple Google search or consulting reputable dictionaries or religious texts would provide you with the appropriate term. Additionally, familiarizing yourself with different religious terms and their meanings can also help in understanding the specific terms used in different contexts.