Blank was a major trading partner of Latin America in the 1900s

The United States was a major trading partner of Latin America in the 1900s.

In the 1900s, the United States was a major trading partner of Latin America.

To identify the major trading partner of Latin America in the 1900s, we can consider historical data and factors such as trade agreements, economic relationships, and the dominant markets during that time period.

In the 1900s, the United States emerged as a significant trading partner for Latin American countries. Several factors contributed to this, including geographic proximity, historical ties, and the economic expansion of the United States during this period.

To confirm this information, we can refer to historical records and data from that era. These can include trade statistics, diplomatic correspondences, economic reports, and scholarly sources. By examining these resources, we can verify the prominence of the United States as a major trading partner with Latin America in the 1900s.