The eagle perched on a Cactus attacking a snake, let the natives blank people to build a city

The eagle perched on a cactus attacking a snake, let the natives invite people to build a city.

Step 1: Understand the scene described:

In the given scenario, there is an eagle sitting on a cactus and attacking a snake. Additionally, there is a mention of natives and the building of a city.

Step 2: Analyze the statement:
Based on the given statement, it seems the eagle's actions somehow relate to the natives and their ability to build a city. However, the statement is incomplete, leaving the purpose or outcome of the eagle's behavior unclear.

Step 3: Seek clarification:
To provide a more accurate response, it would be helpful to understand what is meant by "let the natives blank people to build a city." The exact action that the natives are being allowed or prevented from doing is missing.

Please provide more specific information or clarify the intended meaning of the phrase, and I will be happy to assist you further.

The sentence you provided seems to be incomplete or missing the key information needed to understand your question. Could you please clarify or provide more context?