The theory explains that matter is composed of tiny units known as atoms.

• atomic
• kinetic

These are not relevant terms for this statement. The correct term is "atomic," which refers to the concept of matter being composed of atoms. "Kinetic" refers to motion, "gravitational" refers to the force of attraction between objects with mass, and "industrial" refers to economic and commercial activities.

The theory that explains that matter is composed of tiny units known as atoms is called atomic theory. It was first proposed by John Dalton in the early 19th century.

• Atomic theory

The correct answer to the question is "atomic". The theory being referred to here is the Atomic Theory, which was first proposed by the ancient Greek philosopher Democritus and later expanded upon by scientists like John Dalton and Niels Bohr. This theory states that matter is made up of small, indivisible units called atoms.

To arrive at the correct answer, we can analyze the options provided and eliminate those that are not relevant.

The term "kinetic" refers to motion, and is not directly related to the composition of matter. Therefore, we can eliminate it as a potential answer.

The term "gravitational" refers to the force of attraction between objects with mass. While gravity is an important concept in physics, it does not directly explain the composition of matter in terms of atoms. Thus, we can also eliminate it as a potential answer.

The term "industrial" refers to the production of goods or the manufacturing process. While industry may involve the use of atoms or atomic processes, it is not a specific theory explaining the composition of matter. Therefore, we can eliminate it as a potential answer as well.

This leaves us with the remaining option, "atomic", which directly corresponds to the theory that matter is composed of tiny units known as atoms.