What is the branch of Psychology that studies changes in the human behavioral from early life to death

The branch of psychology that studies changes in human behavior from early life to death is known as Developmental Psychology. It focuses on the psychological processes that occur across the lifespan, including physical, cognitive, emotional, and social changes that individuals experience as they age. Developmental psychologists examine various topics, such as cognitive development, social and emotional development, language acquisition, identity formation, and aging-related issues.

The branch of psychology that studies changes in human behavior from early life to death is called Developmental Psychology. This field focuses on understanding how individuals grow, develop, and change throughout their life span. It examines various aspects of development, including physical, cognitive, emotional, and social changes. Developmental psychologists aim to uncover the factors that shape human behavior and experience from infancy and childhood through adolescence, adulthood, and older age.

The branch of psychology that studies changes in human behavior from early life to death is called Developmental Psychology. To understand how human behavior changes over the lifespan, developmental psychologists conduct research and observe individuals at different stages of life, from infancy to adulthood. This field of psychology aims to understand how various factors such as genetics, cognitive abilities, social interactions, and cultural influences shape human development. If you want to explore more about developmental psychology, you can start by reading textbooks, research articles, or looking for online courses in this area.