If Mexican peso dollars per foreign is 0.0943 and foreign per dollar is 10.6045

His much Mexican pesos can you buy for $180?

To find out how many Mexican pesos you can buy for $180, we need to use the exchange rate given.

First, we know that the exchange rate of Mexican peso dollars per foreign is 0.0943. This means that for every foreign, you get 0.0943 Mexican peso dollars.

Next, we know that the exchange rate of foreign per dollar is 10.6045. This means that for every dollar, you get 10.6045 foreign.

To find out how many Mexican pesos you can buy for $180, we need to convert $180 into foreign currency first.

$180 * 10.6045 foreign/dollar = 1908.81 foreign

Now, we can use the exchange rate of 0.0943 Mexican peso dollars per foreign to convert the foreign currency into Mexican pesos.

1908.81 foreign * 0.0943 Mexican peso dollars/foreign = 179.81 Mexican pesos

Therefore, you can buy 179.81 Mexican pesos for $180.

To find out how many Mexican pesos you can buy for $180, we need to use the exchange rates given.

The rate of Mexican peso dollars per foreign is 0.0943, which means that 1 foreign currency is equal to 0.0943 Mexican peso dollars.

The rate of foreign per dollar is 10.6045, which means that 1 dollar is equal to 10.6045 foreign currency.

Now let's calculate step-by-step:

Step 1: Convert the amount to foreign currency by dividing the dollar amount by the rate of foreign per dollar.
$180 / 10.6045 = 16.9786 foreign currency

Step 2: Convert the foreign currency to Mexican peso dollars by multiplying the foreign currency amount by the rate of Mexican peso dollars per foreign.
16.9786 * 0.0943 = 1.6005 Mexican peso dollars

Therefore, you can buy 1.6005 Mexican pesos for $180.

To determine how many Mexican pesos you can buy for $180, we'll use the information given:

1. The exchange rate of Mexican peso dollars per foreign is 0.0943. This means that for every 1 foreign currency, you will get 0.0943 Mexican pesos.
2. The exchange rate of foreign per dollar is 10.6045. This means that for every 1 dollar, you will get 10.6045 foreign currency.

Now, let's calculate the number of Mexican pesos you can buy:

Step 1: Convert $180 to foreign currency.
To do this, divide $180 by the exchange rate of foreign per dollar:
$180 / 10.6045 = 16.98 (approx.)

Step 2: Convert the foreign currency to Mexican pesos.
To do this, multiply the result from Step 1 (16.98) by the exchange rate of Mexican peso dollars per foreign:
16.98 * 0.0943 = 1.599714 (approx.)

Therefore, you can buy approximately 1.6 Mexican pesos for $180.