Convert the measurements to the units specified. Round your answer to the nearest tenth.

11 cubic inches to milliliters

1 cubic inch is equal to 16.387 milliliters.

Therefore, to convert 11 cubic inches to milliliters, we multiply 11 by 16.387:

11 cubic inches * 16.387 milliliters/cubic inch = 180.257 milliliters

Rounded to the nearest tenth, 11 cubic inches is approximately equal to 180.3 milliliters.

To convert cubic inches to milliliters, you can use the conversion factor:

1 cubic inch = 16.387064 milliliters

So, to convert 11 cubic inches to milliliters, you can use the following steps:

Step 1: Multiply the number of cubic inches by the conversion factor.
11 cubic inches * 16.387064 milliliters/cubic inch = 180.258704 milliliters

Step 2: Round the answer to the nearest tenth.
180.258704 milliliters ≈ 180.3 milliliters

Therefore, 11 cubic inches is approximately equal to 180.3 milliliters when rounded to the nearest tenth.

To convert cubic inches to milliliters, we need to use a conversion factor. The conversion factor we will use is 1 cubic inch = 16.387064 milliliters.

To convert 11 cubic inches to milliliters, we can multiply 11 by the conversion factor:

11 cubic inches * 16.387064 milliliters/cubic inch = 180.258704 milliliters

Rounding to the nearest tenth, the answer is 180.3 milliliters.