Carry out the indicated unit conversion. Round your answer.

Convert a distance of 11 miles into yards; there are 1760 yards in a mile

To convert 11 miles into yards, you need to multiply 11 by the conversion factor of 1760 yards per mile.

11 miles * 1760 yards/mile = 19360 yards

Therefore, 11 miles is equal to 19360 yards.

To convert 11 miles to yards, we can multiply the distance in miles by the conversion factor of 1760, since there are 1760 yards in a mile:

11 miles * 1760 yards/mile = 19,360 yards

Therefore, 11 miles is equal to 19,360 yards.

To convert a distance of 11 miles into yards, we need to multiply the distance by the conversion factor of 1760 yards per mile. Here's how you can do it:

1) Write down the given distance: 11 miles.
2) Multiply the distance by the conversion factor: 11 miles * 1760 yards/mile.
3) Calculate the result: 11 * 1760 = 19,360 yards.
4) Round the final answer: Since the question asks for a rounded answer, the result is approximately 19,360 yards.

Therefore, the distance of 11 miles is approximately equal to 19,360 yards.