which of the following effects of the french and Indian war the most contributed to smuggling in the colonies

E. increased taxed from the British

D. enforcement of the navigation acts

A. presence of british soldiers in the colonies

B. removal of all Spanish from florida

B. removal of all Spanish from florida

The effect of the French and Indian War that most contributed to smuggling in the colonies is the enforcement of the navigation acts (option D).

To determine which effect of the French and Indian War most contributed to smuggling in the colonies, let's analyze each option and see which one is most closely related to smuggling.

E. Increased taxes from the British: This effect is related to financial burdens imposed on the colonies by the British government. While increased taxes could have created economic hardships, it is not directly linked to smuggling.

D. Enforcement of the Navigation Acts: The Navigation Acts were a series of laws that regulated colonial trade and restricted the colonies from trading with other countries. The enforcement of these acts could have led to colonial merchants seeking illicit trade routes and engaging in smuggling to evade these restrictions. Therefore, this effect is directly related to smuggling.

A. Presence of British soldiers in the colonies: The presence of British soldiers in the colonies, while significant, primarily relates to military occupation and control. It is not directly linked to smuggling.

B. Removal of all Spanish from Florida: Although removing the Spanish from Florida might have had broader implications for colonial dynamics, it is not directly connected to smuggling in the colonies.

Based on the analysis, the effect that most contributed to smuggling in the colonies is D. enforcement of the Navigation Acts.