The process by which a stimulus increases the probability that a preceding behavior will be repeated is called



The correct answer is C-Reinforcement. Reinforcement is the process by which a stimulus increases the probability that a preceding behavior will be repeated.

The correct answer is C-Reinforcement.

To understand why reinforcement is the correct answer, let me explain how to approach this type of question.

1. Read the question carefully: In this case, the question is asking for the term that describes the process by which a stimulus increases the probability of a preceding behavior being repeated.

2. Identify the keywords: In this case, the important keywords are "stimulus," "increase probability," and "preceding behavior."

3. Analyze the answer choices: Consider each answer choice and determine if it fits the description provided in the question.

- A. Aversive: Aversive stimuli are unpleasant or painful stimuli that are used to discourage or decrease certain behaviors. This is not the correct choice because it does not describe the process of increasing the probability of behavior being repeated.

- B. Satiety: Satiety refers to the state of being satisfied or full from consuming food. This is not the correct choice because it does not relate to the process of increasing behavior repetition.

- C. Reinforcement: Reinforcement refers to the process of providing a stimulus that increases the probability of a behavior being repeated. This is the correct choice because it aligns with the question description.

- D. Likelihood: While this term is somewhat related to the question, it is not the most accurate answer choice. Likelihood refers to the probability or possibility of something happening, but it does not specifically describe the process of increasing the probability of behavior repetition.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is C-Reinforcement because it accurately describes the process of increasing the probability of a preceding behavior being repeated in response to a stimulus.