When World War II was over, Russia, reverted to its prewar believes that the spread of communism was necessary, true or false

True. After World War II, the Soviet Union (Russia) did revert to its prewar belief that the spread of communism was necessary. The war had strengthened their determination to expand their communist ideology and influence throughout the world. This led to the beginning of the Cold War and the division of Europe into Western and Eastern blocs, with the Soviet Union actively promoting communist governments and movements in various countries.

True. After World War II, Russia, officially known as the Soviet Union during that time, resumed its prewar belief that the spread of communism was essential. The Soviet Union sought to expand its sphere of influence and promote communism globally, leading to the establishment of communist governments in several Eastern European countries through political and military interventions. This period of Soviet influence became known as the Cold War, a geopolitical conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union.

To determine whether it is true or false that Russia reverted to its prewar beliefs that the spread of communism was necessary after World War II, we can examine historical events and analyze the context.

After World War II, Russia (now known as the Soviet Union) did not revert to its prewar beliefs, but instead continued to actively promote and expand communism. The Soviet Union saw itself as the vanguard of the worldwide communist revolution and sought to spread communism across the globe. This policy was known as "socialism in one country" and was initially introduced by Joseph Stalin, the leader of the Soviet Union at the time.

The Soviet Union provided military support and aid to communist movements in numerous countries around the world, including Eastern Europe, China, Korea, Vietnam, and Cuba. The intention was to establish communist governments aligned with the Soviet Union and expand the influence and ideology of communism.

Therefore, the statement that Russia reverted to its prewar beliefs that the spread of communism was necessary after World War II is false. Instead, the Soviet Union actively pursued and promoted the spread of communism during this time.