There are two half-steps between E and F. what type of interval is it?

The type of interval between E and F, with two half-steps, is a minor second.

The interval between E and F, with two half-steps in between, is called a whole step.

To determine the type of interval between E and F, we need to consider the distance between these two notes. In Western music theory, the smallest interval between two adjacent pitches is called a half step (also known as a semitone).

In your question, you mentioned that there are two half-steps between E and F. Since each half-step represents the smallest possible distance in Western music, two half-steps simply means that the two notes are adjacent to each other without any other notes in between. In other words, E and F are right next to each other on the musical alphabet.

Since there is only one letter difference between E and F and they are adjacent on the musical alphabet, this interval is classified as a "minor second" or "half-step" interval.

So, to summarize, the type of interval between E and F is a minor second or half-step.