An intrapreneur hit goal to testers for a bank to get the capital for a new business true or false

False. An intrapreneur is an individual within a larger organization who takes on entrepreneurial roles and responsibilities to drive innovation and growth. They typically work within the existing structure of the organization. Meeting goals or targets set by superiors or stakeholders is part of their role, but they would not be directly involved in obtaining capital for a new business outside of their current organization.

I'm not sure I understand your question fully, but I'll do my best to provide an answer based on the information given.

If I understand correctly, you are asking if an intrapreneur successfully met their goal of obtaining testers for a bank in order to secure capital for a new business. In this case, I cannot determine the accuracy of the statement without additional information. However, it is important to clarify that intrapreneurship involves entrepreneurial activity within an established organization, so the capital for a new business would typically come from internal sources within the organization itself, rather than from external testers.

In conclusion, without more context, it is difficult to determine the veracity of the statement.

To determine whether the statement is true or false, we need to understand the terms used.

- Intrapreneur: An intrapreneur is an employee within a company who behaves like an entrepreneur, taking initiative and innovating within the organization.

- Goal: A goal is an objective or target that is set to be achieved.

- Testers: Testers can refer to individuals responsible for testing and quality assurance in a software development context.

- Capital: Capital represents financial resources or funding that an entrepreneur or business requires.

Based on the given statement, it is challenging to determine the accuracy without specific context. However, in a general interpretation, the statement seems false. Intrapreneurs typically aim to develop new business opportunities or projects within their organization, but they do not typically secure capital directly. It would be the responsibility of the intrapreneur to present their idea, including the potential capital requirements, to the appropriate decision-makers in the bank or the company's management. These decision-makers would then evaluate the idea, along with other factors, to determine whether to provide the necessary capital for the new business.

Therefore, the statement, "An intrapreneur hit goal to testers for a bank to get the capital for a new business," is likely false.