Which of the following describes a situation in which the total distance a soccer player travels in 0 m from his starting point

None of the options provided describe a situation in which the total distance a soccer player travels is 0 m from his starting point.

It seems like there might be a mistake in your question. If a soccer player travels 0 meters from his starting point, then the total distance he travels would be 0 meters.

The statement "the total distance a soccer player travels in 0 meters from his starting point" doesn't make sense, as traveling 0 meters means that the player hasn't moved at all. However, if you are asking for a situation where the total distance traveled is 0 meters, it would mean that the soccer player has returned to their starting point after completing a closed loop or circuit. This could happen if the player runs in a circular path around their starting point, or if they move in any shape that allows them to complete a loop and return back to where they started.