What do masks have in common with paintings on the walls of caves? (1 point)

They are both examples of creative, prehistoric 3D art,
They are both examples of contemporary art,
They both reveal information about the cultures that created them,
They illustrate which goods were traded in the cultures that created them,

They both reveal information about the cultures that created them.

The correct answer is: They both reveal information about the cultures that created them.

The correct answer is: They both reveal information about the cultures that created them.

To get the answer to this question, we can analyze the similarities between masks and paintings on cave walls. These two art forms can provide insights into the cultures that created them.

Masks have a long history and are often used in various rituals, ceremonies, or performances by different cultures around the world. They are usually created with specific cultural and symbolic meanings in mind. When we study and analyze masks from different cultures, we can gain valuable knowledge about the beliefs, traditions, and social structures of those societies.

Similarly, paintings on the walls of caves, such as those found in caves like Lascaux or Altamira, were created by prehistoric humans thousands of years ago. These cave paintings often depict animals, hunting scenes, and various symbols significant to the culture of that time. By examining these cave paintings, archaeologists and anthropologists can understand the lifestyle, spiritual beliefs, and artistic capabilities of ancient societies.

Therefore, both masks and cave paintings provide important insights into the cultures that produced them. They serve as valuable sources of information for researchers and historians studying prehistoric and contemporary societies alike.