What is the purpose of the following passage?

Luly made sure all the doors were locked and the lights were off. She brushed her teeth and washed her face and snuggled up under her thick blankets. She set her alarm and started to drift off to sleep, when suddenly, she heard a pounding at her door!

a) To entertain

b) To inform

c) To persuade

d) To show bias

a) To entertain

a) To entertain

The purpose of the passage is to entertain the reader by creating suspense and a sense of mystery with the unexpected pounding at Luly's door.

The purpose of the following passage is not explicitly stated. However, we can analyze the content to determine the most likely purpose. In this passage, Luly is going through a routine before going to sleep, but is then interrupted by a pounding at her door.

Based on this information, we can eliminate options "b" (to inform), "c" (to persuade), and "d" (to show bias) as these purposes do not align with the content of the passage.

The most appropriate purpose for this passage is therefore "a" (to entertain). The passage sets up a suspenseful moment with Luly hearing a pounding at her door, which creates intrigue and engages the reader's interest.