What is 598,587 to the nearest 10,000

The number 598,587 to the nearest 10,000 would be 600,000.

To find 598,587 to the nearest 10,000, we need to determine which 10,000 it is closest to.

To do this, we look at the last four digits of the number.

The last four digits of 598,587 are 8,587.

Since 8,587 is closer to 10,000 than to 0, we can round 598,587 to the nearest 10,000 by increasing it to 600,000.

To find the number 598,587 to the nearest 10,000, we need to look at the digit in the ten thousands place, which is the fourth digit from the right. In this case, the digit in the ten thousands place is 8.

To round to the nearest 10,000, we follow the rounding rule:

- If the digit in the ten thousands place is 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, we round down (keep the digits to the right unchanged).
- If the digit in the ten thousands place is 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, we round up (increment the digit to the left by 1 and make the rest of the digits zero).

Since the digit in the ten thousands place is 8, which is greater than 4, we round up. This means that we increment the digit to the left of it, which is the hundred thousands place, by 1. The hundred thousands place digit is 5, so we increment it by 1, resulting in 6. The remaining digits (thousands, hundreds, tens, and units) become zero. Therefore, rounding 598,587 to the nearest 10,000 gives us 600,000.