Which factorization is equivalent to this expression?

−42k−54 (1 point)






To find the factorization equivalent to the expression -42k - 54, you can start by finding the greatest common factor (GCF) of the terms -42k and -54. The GCF of 42 and 54 is 6, and the sign will be negative since both terms are negative.

Therefore, the factorization equivalent to -42k - 54 is:

-6(7k + 9)

So, the correct option is: 6(−7k+9)

To determine which factorization is equivalent to the expression −42k−54, we can use the distributive property to factor out the greatest common factor, which in this case is -6.

Here's the step-by-step process:

1. Start with the given expression: −42k−54.

2. Look for the common factor in both terms. In this case, both -42 and -54 are divisible by -6.

3. Factor out the common factor -6 by dividing each term by -6. This yields: -6(7k+9).

Therefore, the correct factorization equivalent to the expression −42k−54 is −6(7k+9).