What activities on your résumé are required for college admission?

a. sports and clubs
b.volunteer work
d.none of the above

d. none of the above

For college admission, it is generally beneficial to include activities on your résumé that demonstrate your involvement and commitment to various areas of your life. While specific requirements may vary depending on the college or university, it is generally recommended to include the following activities on your résumé:

a. Sports and Clubs: Involvement in sports teams, clubs, or organizations can show your ability to work in a team, develop leadership skills, and manage your time effectively.

b. Volunteer Work: Including volunteer work highlights your commitment to giving back to your community and can demonstrate your willingness to make a positive impact on society.

c. Employment: Listing any part-time or full-time work experience can indicate your ability to take on responsibilities, work independently, and develop valuable skills.

Therefore, both options a and b are typically recommended activities to include on your résumé for college admission. However, option c (employment) is also valuable to demonstrate your work experience and skills outside of academic settings.

To determine which activities on your résumé are required for college admission, you should refer to the specific admission requirements of each college or university you are interested in. While there is no concrete answer applicable to all institutions, I can provide some general guidance on commonly sought-after activities:

a. Sports and Clubs: Many colleges appreciate the involvement of students in extracurricular activities such as sports teams and clubs. These activities can demonstrate qualities like teamwork, leadership, time management, and commitment.

b. Volunteer Work: Colleges often value community service and involvement. Engaging in volunteer work can showcase your dedication to making a positive impact in your community and highlight personal qualities such as compassion, empathy, and a sense of social responsibility.

c. Employment: Although employment experience is not always mandatory for college admission, having a job can demonstrate discipline, responsibility, and time management skills. It can also illustrate your ability to balance academics and work commitments, which can be attractive to colleges.

Ultimately, each college or university may have its own preferences and priorities when evaluating applications. It's essential to research and understand the admission requirements, criteria, and guidelines provided by the specific colleges you are applying to in order to tailor your résumé accordingly. Additionally, focusing on activities that genuinely interest you and align with your personal goals and values can help you highlight your unique strengths and stand out as an applicant.