In 1-5 sentences identify central issues explain why the pilgrims government came about and why its existence was important

The central issues that led to the establishment of the Pilgrims' government were religious freedom, self-governance, and survival in the new world. The Pilgrims, seeking religious freedom, formed a government to establish order and to ensure the fair and just governance of their community, which was crucial for their survival in an unfamiliar and challenging environment.

The central issues that led to the establishment of the Pilgrims' government were religious persecution, the desire for religious freedom, and the need for self-governance. The Pilgrims, a group of English Separatists, faced persecution in England due to their religious beliefs and sought a place where they could freely practice their faith. The establishment of their own government in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620 was important as it allowed them to govern themselves according to their own principles and laws, fostering a sense of community and religious autonomy.

The central issue that led to the creation of the Pilgrims' government was religious persecution they faced in England. Seeking religious freedom, they established the Plymouth Colony in 1620 and formed a self-governing system based on the Mayflower Compact. The existence of this government was important because it provided a framework for democratic decision-making and established principles of consent and equal participation, which laid the foundation for democratic governance in future American colonies.