What prize was awarded to Bernardo Albero Houssay?

(1 point)
• Nobel Peace Prize
• Pulitzer Prize
• Academy Award
O Nobel Prize for

Correct answer: Nobel Prize for Medicine

The prize awarded to Bernardo Albero Houssay was the Nobel Prize for Medicine.

The prize that was awarded to Bernardo Albero Houssay was the Nobel Prize for Medicine. To find the answer to this question, you can use various methods:

1. Use a search engine: Enter the keywords "Bernardo Albero Houssay Nobel Prize for Medicine" in a search engine like Google. The search results will provide you with information about the prize awarded to him.

2. Visit the Nobel Prize website: Go to the official website of the Nobel Prize (www.nobelprize.org) and search for Bernardo Albero Houssay. The website contains a comprehensive database of all Nobel laureates in different fields, including Medicine.

3. Consult reliable sources: Check reputable sources such as books, articles, or journals that discuss Nobel laureates in the field of Medicine. These sources often provide information about the specific individuals who have received this prestigious prize.