factor this expression completley


To factor the expression completely, we can start by finding the greatest common factor (GCF) of the coefficients: 45, -18, and 36. The GCF of 45, -18, and 36 is 9.

Now, let's factor out the GCF of 9 from each term:

45x/9 - 18y/9 + 36/9

This simplifies to:

5x - 2y + 4

Therefore, the expression 45x - 18y + 36 can be completely factored as 5x - 2y + 4.

To factor the expression 45x - 18y + 36 completely, we can start by finding the greatest common factor (GCF) of all the terms. In this case, the GCF is 9.

So, we can factor out 9 from each term:

9(5x - 2y + 4)

Now, the expression is factored completely.

To factor the expression completely, we need to look for the greatest common factor (GCF) of all the terms in the expression. In this case, the GCF is 9:

45x - 18y + 36

The GCF of 45, 18, and 36 is 9, so we divide each term by 9:

(45x)/9 - (18y)/9 + 36/9

Now we simplify:

5x - 2y + 4

Therefore, the fully factored expression is 5x - 2y + 4.