Complete the following review activities.

¿Y a ti?
Draw 4 6 comic panels showing two friends at lunchtime. In Spanish, they talk about their food likes and dislikes; they ask questions to each other. Write their conversation in speech bubbles using complete sentences.

Friend 1: ¡Hola! ¿Qué te gusta para comer en el almuerzo?

(Is drawing a sandwich)

Friend 2: A mí me gusta mucho la pizza. ¿Y a ti?
(Is holding a slice of pizza)

Friend 1: A mí no me gusta la pizza. Prefiero comer ensalada.
(Is holding a salad)

Friend 2: ¿Qué tipo de ensalada te gusta?
(Is curious)

Friend 1: Me gusta la ensalada César con pollo. ¿Y a ti?
(Is holding a fork with salad)

Friend 2: A mí me encanta la ensalada de frutas. ¿Has probado alguna vez?
(Is holding a bowl of fruit salad)

Friend 1: Sí, he probado la ensalada de frutas, pero prefiero las frutas por separado.
(Is showing individual fruits)

Friend 2: ¿Y qué te gusta como postre?
(Is curious)

Friend 1: Me encanta el pastel de chocolate. ¿Y a ti?
(Is holding a slice of chocolate cake)

Friend 2: A mí me gusta más el helado. ¿Has probado el helado de fresa?
(Is holding an ice cream cone)

Friend 1: Sí, he probado el helado de fresa y es delicioso.
(Is showing a thumbs up)

Friend 2: ¡Qué bien! Tal vez deberíamos probar diferentes platos la próxima vez.
(Is suggesting)

Friend 1: ¡Claro! Sería divertido probar cosas nuevas juntos.
(Is agreeing)

Here's a step-by-step breakdown of how to complete the review activities:

Step 1: Draw 4 Comic Panels
Using a sheet of paper or a drawing software, create 6 comic panels in which two friends are having lunch. Use speech bubbles to represent their conversation.

Step 2: Introduce the Characters
In the first panel, write the names of the two friends above their respective speech bubbles. For example, if their names are Juan and Maria, write "Juan" above Juan's speech bubble and "Maria" above Maria's speech bubble.

Step 3: Panel 1 - Starting the Conversation
In the first panel, write the opening conversation in the speech bubbles. For instance, Juan could say, "Hola, Maria. ¿Qué te gusta comer?" (Hello, Maria. What do you like to eat?) and Maria could respond with, "Hola, Juan. Me gusta comer frutas y verduras" (Hello, Juan. I like to eat fruits and vegetables).

Step 4: Panel 2 - Food Likes and Dislikes
In the second panel, continue the conversation by having Juan ask about Maria's food dislikes. For example, Juan could ask, "¿Y qué no te gusta comer?" (And what don't you like to eat?) and Maria could respond with, "No me gusta comer pescado" (I don't like to eat fish).

Step 5: Panel 3 - Asking Questions
In the third panel, have Maria ask Juan about his food preferences. She could ask, "¿Y a ti, Juan? ¿Qué te gusta comer?" (And you, Juan? What do you like to eat?) and Juan could reply, "A mí me gusta comer pizza y hamburguesas" (I like to eat pizza and hamburgers).

Step 6: Panel 4 - Food Dislikes
In the fourth panel, conclude the conversation by having Maria inquire about Juan's food dislikes. For example, she could say, "¿Y qué no te gusta comer?" (And what don't you like to eat?) and Juan could respond with, "No me gusta comer brócoli" (I don't like to eat broccoli).

Step 7: Review and Adjust
After completing the four panels, review the conversation and make any necessary adjustments. Ensure that the sentences are grammatically correct and the dialogue flows naturally.

Step 8: Finalize and Color (optional)
Once you are satisfied with the conversation and speech bubbles, finalize the comic panels. You may choose to add color to your drawings to enhance the visual appeal.

Remember to have fun while completing the activities!

To complete the review activities, follow these steps:

1. Set up the comic panels: Start by drawing four rectangular panels to create a comic strip. Each panel represents a specific moment in the conversation between the two friends.

2. Plan the conversation: Decide on the content of the dialogue between the two friends discussing their food likes and dislikes. Think about the questions they will ask each other. Consider using complete sentences in the speech bubbles to ensure clear communication.

3. Start the conversation: Begin with the first panel. In the speech bubbles, write the first friend's sentence, introducing the topic of food likes and dislikes. For example, "¡Hola! ¿Qué te gusta comer en el almuerzo?" (Hi! What do you like to eat for lunch?)

4. Respond with likes: In the second panel, write the second friend's response about their food likes. Use a complete sentence, such as "Me gusta comer ensaladas y sandwiches." (I like to eat salads and sandwiches.)

5. Ask about dislikes: In the third panel, have the first friend ask about dislikes. Use a complete sentence, such as "¿Y qué no te gusta comer?" (And what don't you like to eat?)

6. Share dislikes: In the fourth panel, write the second friend's response, mentioning their food dislikes. For example, "No me gusta comer pescado ni brócoli." (I don't like to eat fish or broccoli.)

7. Repeat if desired: If you have space in the given panels, you can continue the conversation by having the second friend ask questions about the first friend's food preferences, likes, and dislikes.

Remember to use Spanish punctuation, quotation marks («» or ""), and appropriate capitalization in the speech bubbles to make the dialogue clear and easy to understand.

These steps will guide you in completing the comic strip activity, creating a conversation that demonstrates food preferences and dislikes between two friends.