Which of the following topics is an example of a persuasive speech?

Why are city needs better public transportation
An introduction of a new student at an afterschool club meeting
The three types of bad drivers
The effects of global warming

Why are city needs better public transportation

The topic "Why are city needs better public transportation" is an example of a persuasive speech.

The topic "Why are city needs better public transportation" is an example of a persuasive speech.

To identify a persuasive speech topic, you can look for a topic that aims to convince or persuade the audience to take a particular stance or action. In this case, the topic is advocating for the improvement of public transportation in cities, which suggests that the speaker will present arguments and evidence to convince the audience that better public transportation is necessary.

Other topics mentioned:

- "An introduction of a new student at an afterschool club meeting" is not an example of a persuasive speech. This topic is more of an informative or introductory speech, where the primary purpose is to introduce a new student to the club members, rather than to persuade or convince them of anything.

- "The three types of bad drivers" is also not an example of a persuasive speech. This topic falls under the category of an informative speech, where the objective is to provide information about the different types of bad drivers, rather than trying to persuade the audience to take a specific position or action.

- "The effects of global warming" is not necessarily an example of a persuasive speech either. Although this topic could potentially be presented as a persuasive speech if the speaker is trying to convince the audience of the urgency to take action against global warming, it can also be approached as an informative speech where the objective is to provide information about the effects of global warming. The persuasive aspect would depend on how the topic is framed and the specific arguments presented.