Which of the following best evaluates the difference between supranational organizations and supranational trade agreements?(1 point)%0D%0AResponses%0D%0A%0D%0ASupranational organizations develop from defensive alliances; supranational trade agreements do not.%0D%0ASupranational organizations develop from defensive alliances; supranational trade agreements do not.%0D%0A%0D%0ASupranational organizations are bigger and involve more countries.%0D%0ASupranational organizations are bigger and involve more countries.%0D%0A%0D%0ASupranational trade agreements are short term while supranational organizations are permanent.%0D%0ASupranational trade agreements are short term while supranational organizations are permanent.%0D%0A%0D%0ASupranatural trade agreements are economic agreements, and supranational organizations are both economic and political.

Supranatural trade agreements are economic agreements, and supranational organizations are both economic and political.

The correct response is: Supranational trade agreements are economic agreements, and supranational organizations are both economic and political.

The best way to evaluate the difference between supranational organizations and supranational trade agreements is to look at their characteristics and purposes. Here's how you can evaluate the options:

1. "Supranational organizations develop from defensive alliances; supranational trade agreements do not."
To evaluate this option, you can consider whether supranational organizations typically evolve from defensive alliances. You can research examples of supranational organizations like the European Union (EU) or the United Nations (UN) to determine if they have their roots in defensive alliances, such as NATO. On the other hand, you can also research supranational trade agreements, such as NAFTA or WTO, to see if they have a different origin or purpose.

2. "Supranational organizations are bigger and involve more countries."
To evaluate this option, you can compare the size and scope of supranational organizations and supranational trade agreements. Research the number of countries involved in prominent supranational organizations like the EU, UN, or ASEAN, and compare it to the number of countries involved in well-known trade agreements like NAFTA or Mercosur. Also, consider whether the size and involvement of countries play a role in distinguishing these two types of agreements.

3. "Supranational trade agreements are short term while supranational organizations are permanent."
To evaluate this option, you can analyze the duration and nature of supranational trade agreements and supranational organizations. Research the lifespan of trade agreements and organizations to determine if trade agreements are typically short-term and subject to renegotiations or if they can also be long-term. Additionally, consider the functions and objectives of supranational organizations to assess if they are indeed permanent in nature.

4. "Supranatural trade agreements are economic agreements, and supranational organizations are both economic and political."
To evaluate this option, you can examine the underlying purposes and functions of supranational trade agreements and organizations. Research the primary goals of trade agreements, such as promoting economic cooperation or reducing trade barriers, to determine if they are predominantly focused on economic aspects. Similarly, explore the functions and objectives of supranational organizations, including their political aspects, to assess if they have a broader range of roles beyond economics.

By evaluating these points and conducting further research into the characteristics and purposes of supranational organizations and supranational trade agreements, you can determine the option that best describes the difference between them.