Divide 410√2√. Provide an exact answer. (1 point)


This expression is already simplified and cannot be divided further.
This expression is already simplified and cannot be divided further.

4 start root 5 end root

2 start root 5 end root



To divide √410, we can simplify it as follows:

√410 = √(2 * 5 * 41)

Next, we can break down the square root into separate square roots:

√(2 * 5 * 41) = √2 * √5 * √41

Therefore, the exact answer for dividing √410 is:

√410 = √2 * √5 * √41

To divide the expression 410√2√, you can simplify it by combining the square roots.

First, let's simplify the expression inside the square roots. The square root of 2 is an irrational number, so we can't simplify it further.

Now, let's multiply the numbers outside the square roots. 410 multiplied by 2 is equal to 820.

Therefore, the simplified form of 410√2√ is 820√2.

Please note that this is an exact answer and cannot be further simplified.