Totally erased from history until 1903, ______________________ was the victim of a massive operation by her step-son, who had her name and image erased from every part of Egypt.

(2 points)

Ramesses II
Ramesses II






The correct answer is Hatshepsut.

To arrive at this answer, we can employ a simple process.

1) First, we need to understand that the question is referring to a historical figure who was intentionally erased from history until 1903.

2) Now we can analyze the response options: Ramesses II, Akhenaten, Amarna, and Hatshepsut.

3) To find the answer, we can search for historical figures who fit the above criteria. Using a search engine or historical references, we can find information about these individuals.

4) When we research Hatshepsut, we discover that she was a famous female pharaoh in ancient Egypt. Her step-son, Thutmose III, ordered her name and image erased from many monuments, statues, and documents in a significant operation to erase her existence from history. This information matches the description provided in the question.

Therefore, the correct answer is Hatshepsut.